Friday, February 20, 2009

Ladies and not Gentlemen

A few words to prepare you for the onslaught of verbage that is imminently coming your way:

You've been warned.

Sex sells. It's on commercials for men's deodorant, men's clothing, ads for dating services if you "just wanna chat"... of course, I'm sure the content of your conversation will be restricted to, "I think your eyes are pretty," and, "I wanna pursue you for your intellectual stimulation." I'm thinking you want something else stimulated aside from your cranium.

Ladies, you're not wheedling out of this one. The men aren't the only perverts in this room, we've got our own wiles and deceptions.

How about that cute little black dress you had on last Friday? You know, that one cut strategically, but you still had trouble moving in without something falling out.

Recently, I heard a suggestion someone made about allowing boys to share an apartment with girls, oh, but they can't be dating any of the girls because, you know, that might be a little too close. All the girls in the group responded with enthusiasm and head bobbing, and, dare I say, naivete. It took some coughing and stammering for the one guy in the gathering to penetrate the happy bubble that had swelled in the minds of these girls. "Uhm, that's not a good idea. We guys are too visual and it would be too much of a distraction." And temptation.

Girls, unless you want to be eye-raped by every guy in the restaurant, every homeless man on the street, every dirty playboy with a truckload of STD's on the subway... cover that stuff.

A friend of mine went for a job interview last week, and told me she remembered thinking in the car that her shirt was a little low in front. "Oh well, if it will help." But when she walked in to talk to the manager, his eyes weren't on her face. "I just felt so dirty!" she told me afterwards.

This is not meant to come off as preaching, but rather I PLEAD with you to respect yourself! If you don't respect yourself, you are no better than the cow who poops in the field in broad daylight.

"likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control [...] with what is proper for women who profess godliness." - 1 Timothy 2:9,10 (with added elipses)

Oh, and did I forget to mention? That's not your body to show off anyway.

"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." - 1 Corinthians 6:19,20

You are beautiful, but you distort that beauty by making your guy friends, boyfriends, even strangers think thoughts about you which would make even the strongest stomach want to puke. Ugh, just the thought makes me feel like a hundred cockroaches are crawling up and down my back.

You might be thinking about your closet now... what do you wear from day to day? Can I see cleavage if you put it on? Am I gonna see the stuff that nightmares are made of when you bend over in those jeans?

Oh, and if you're like me and don't have the money in this economy to get a whole new wardrobe, goodwill has some great button down shirts with flowers that look like your grandmother's bathroom wallpaper! I even hear that shoulder pads are coming back into style!

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